2 Spare Ribs FF / CS $17.99
2 Spares Choice of 2 SidesCornbread $19.99
2 Spares, 2 Wings FF/CS $20.99
2 Spares, 2 Wings Choice of2 Sides/Cornbread $22.99
2 Spares, 2 Wings, 2 Shrimp $20.99
Rib Tip/ FF $15.99
2 St. Louis, 2 Wings, 2 Shrimp $20.99
2 St Louis, 2 Wings, FF/CS $20.99
2 St Louis, 2 Wings, Choice of 2 Sides $22.99
Smokey Beans $14.99(Smoked Cajun Style Beef Sausage, Grilled Onions over a Bed Of Red Beans And Rice & Cornbread)
All entrees come with fries and slaw. There is a $1.99 upcharge per item substituted.